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How the Board Works

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Meetings of the Board and its three statutory committees are open to the public. Members of the public may seek to speak on a particular matter, and can participate in any public forums the Board holds.





All meetings of the Board and its three statutory committees* are open to the public.  All Board and statutory committee order papers and minutes are available publicly.  These can be accessed from the DHB’s website.  Print copies can be requested prior to the meeting by emailing
*Statutory committees are the Hospital Advisory Committee, the Community & Public Health Advisory Committee and the Disability Support Advisory Committee which operate jointly as the Health and Disability Advisory Committee.
Meetings of the Board and Committees are run in accordance with the Board’s Standing Orders.
Please be aware Board/Committee meetings are not a meeting between the Board and the public. While you can witness the deliberations you are not able to contribute to the discussions, nor will the Board or Committee members address the public directly.
You are under no obligation to attend for a whole meeting.  You can leave at any time.  If you wish to leave, or return to the meeting, it would be appreciated if this could be done quietly and with minimal disruption.
To enable meetings to proceed smoothly, it would be appreciated if noise is kept to a minimum at all times and cell phones are turned off.
There will be occasions when there is a requirement on the Board/Committee to maintain confidentiality in relation to an item to be discussed.  There are several reasons for this including a requirement to protect people's privacy, to protect information relating to the commercial position of others, to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence, and so on.
Under legislation, the Board/Committee can pass a resolution to exclude the public while it discusses specific issues.  The items to be discussed in confidence will be signalled in the agenda under the heading 'Resolution to exclude the public'.  All members of the public are required to leave the meeting while these discussions take place.  If it is not immediately obvious to you when this point has been reached, the board/committee secretary will let you know personally.
For the convenience of the public these items are generally discussed at the end of an agenda.

The public may request the opportunity to speak to the Board or a Committee regarding any matter within its terms of reference. To do this, please contact the board/committee secretary prior to the start of the meeting - email to
Generally, two to three minutes will be allocated to you.  Where a group wishes to address the Board/Committee, one spokesperson is required.
After your address, members may seek clarification of the point(s) you raise.  They will not enter into a discussion on the matter.
Privacy and natural justice requirements must be respected.
Public comment regarding the treatment and care provided to you or other individuals will not be allowed.  This is for two reasons - privacy issue; and that it is more appropriate these discussions are held with the healthcare professionals concerned.
Similarly, public comment regarding the performance of specific staff members will not be allowed and members of the public are asked to contact the CEO on such matters.
The Chair has the right to draw an individual's comments to a close if those comments are inappropriate or do not relate to the Board or Committee's terms of reference.
Note that speaking at meetings is not a forum to request information from the Board or DHB staff. For such requests, call 06 350 8486.
Some points about Public Participation

Please advise the Board/Committee Secretary of your wish to speak at a meeting prior to the start of the meeting.  If possible, let them know the day before - email to
The number of public participants who can speak at each meeting is limited. When there are a large number of requests to speak, the Chair of the meeting will determine who will speak.
Each public participant will have between two and three minutes to speak, depending on the number of participants on the day.
You can bring along written material supporting your position. Please ensure that enough copies are available for all members by asking Board or Committee Secretary how many copies to bring.
You can obtain copies of agendas at least two days before the meeting from our website.
At the Meeting

DHB meetings are quite formal, so please understand and follow these basic rules:
  • When you arrive, you will be greeted by an adviser from DHB who will show you where to sit.
  • If you have brought along written material, please give it to the adviser to distribute.

When it is your turn to speak the Chair will introduce you formally to the Board/Committee members.
It is important not to interrupt Board/Committee members when they are speaking and not to speak until requested by the Chair.

Deputations may be made to the Board with the prior consent of the Chair.
Applications to make a deputation must be lodged in writing with the Board Secretary at least 11 calendar days before the date of the meeting. Please email your application to
Applications must set out the substance of the deputation. Generally, the deputation is given between five and ten minutes to address the Board.
Guidelines are available for deputations and these are contained with the Board’s Standing Orders.

From time to time MidCentral DHB formally consults on specific issues.

A formal training and development programme is undertaken each year to ensure members keep up-to-date with developments within the sector.
New Board members receive a comprehensive orientation to the public health sector, and to MidCentral District Health Board.
A conflict of interest register is maintained, and all existing and potential conflicts are managed.
A meeting calendar for the Board and its committees is established each year.  The Board engages both an internal and external auditor to ensure its systems and processes are robust.  A strong risk management approach is taken, and this is led through the Board’s Finance, Risk and Audit Committee.
A work programme is in place for each committee and the Board.  This is closely linked to the Annual Plan. 
The governance of a District Health Board is a diverse and complex undertaking.  Board members undertake regular self and collective assessments of performance.
The balance of skills and experience of the Board is kept under regular review.  Additional knowledge and expertise has been recruited to assist with the governance of the DHB.  These external appointments are made by the Board.
Members of the Board are paid for their work, and the level of remuneration is set by the Minister of Health in accordance with the Cabinet Fees Framework.  Board Members are paid an annual fee for their service ($23,171). The Board Chair and Deputy Chair receive a higher fee.
Members are also paid an additional fee of up to $2,500 per annum for attendance at a statutory advisory committee of which they are a member, and the Finance, Risk & Audit Committee.
Members are covered for reasonable expenses associated with Board and Committee business, such as travel costs.  Payments are made in accordance with the Board Members' Expense Policy.
Details of the remuneration paid to each Board Member is disclosed in the DHB's Annual Report.


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